You and us – we make dreams come true.

This is only possible in a world that gives us the freedom we need. A world in which you can love who you love and be who you are. Keeping this world is worth everything it takes.

We, the festivals in Europe, try our best to keep up with you, and provide spaces where everybody can be free and enjoy each other and the music, theatre, dance, and arts in all their variety. We embrace your diversity, push for equality and live cultural exchange. Time and again, you show us that it is possible to peacefully create greatness and make a difference together. Thank you for your commitment and for celebrating your freedom and values at our festivals. Thank you for joining in the fight for a better world and standing up for what you believe in.

We want to encourage everyone to VOTE in the European Elections. We would not have freedom of speech, human rights, a free press, the Paris agreement and so many other achievements if it wasn’t for VOTING.

YOUR VOTE counts just as much in the election as your voice does in a festival crowd singing your favourite song. Just use it and you will make a difference. You have the power to shape the future you want. A future in which we continue to celebrate at festivals, support each other when necessary and stand together in solidarity.

You have the right to VOTE. Please use it. We do, too.


#WeVoteForEurope is a campaign of the European music festivals to engage our audience to use their right and vote in the European elections (June 6 – 9 2024). It was initiated by YOUROPE e.V. and rolled out together with the European Festivals Association (EFA), the two most important organisations representing European festivals.

The initiative is inspired by TAKE A STAND and realised with the great support of Festivals Festivals Colours Of Ostrava, Das Fest, Maifeld Derby, Open’er Festival, Pohoda Festival, Rock For People, Roskilde Festival, Sofia Live Fest.

#WeVoteForEurope is a project created with complete freedom of content and run on a voluntary basis by its initiators and supporters. It was created in connection with YOUROPE’s three-year network project “3F – Future-Fit Festivals” (which is co-funded within the Creative Europe program of the European Union).

Do you like the initiative and want to join? Would you share the message and video? Then you are cordially invited to do so. Just download the materials here. Please make sure your posts are public and don’t forget to use the hashtag:
